I want to Thank you so much for your for exceptionally fast delivery of the HJC helmet that I ordered yesterday afternoon. It arrived today before I came home from work. Thank you so much for the great service.
I just wanted to write in about one of your employees Mike Fogelson. I had ordered a jacket from you guys and due to sizing had to exchange it. There was some issues with getting the jacket I had requested, but Mike went above and beyond to make sure that everything was sorted out in a timely manner. I just wanted to give him the recognition that he deserves! Because of the dedication he showed I will without a doubt continue to do business with your company! Not only did he get it sent out right away but I got the jacket 2 days before the expected delivery date! Thanks guys!
Thank you I appreciate your customer service and I will continue to do buisiness with your company. Thank you for your timely responses. As a customer these are important.... I can buy the product anyplace but buying a product from a company that takes the time to make there customers happy is what counts. Thanks again.
Happy customer.