I don?t typically write emails when I get good customer service, but I felt compelled to write you. I just wanted to let you know how impressed I was with your service! From your friendly greeting, all the way to you loading my gear into my pickup?absolutely fantastic. I would not hesitate to make the 14 hour round trip again solely based on the way you treated me. I?ve told everyone that I?ve seen since Saturday about you, and will continue to HIGHLY recommend you in the future. Thanks again for making my experience one to remember.
I was extremely pleased as to how well your service was. The site is easy to use and the products are Well worth the price you pay. You deffinetly get what you pay for. The shipping is amazing! And the respones to my email's are even better. I will for sure order from this site again and I would highly recomend this site to others .!!!
I just wanted to let you know that I received all my purchases today and am very happy.
Everything fits perfectly and looks great together.
Thanks for All Your Help,